Aug 16, 2001

  • Aschit (OscarMeyer) has finally gotten his first experience on becoming a father. A new mumer has born into this world, called Nicole Joy Parks. May her visit here be .. interesting!
  • As you probably noticed from some of my previous column, the player of Shake is currently visiting Estonia. He arrived on 9th of august, and will be here for another week. We have held already two different meetings: one with Tallinn's mumers, and other in Tartu, in our science meka. The glasses of hobbit (!) * brew found their owners, and the tales told passed different mouths. Though heavy rain pouring outside, the people stayed in and shared their stories and life. Apart from the meetings, it also appears that orcs are not afraid of cold water. As warm as it gets, it is usually cold here at that time of the year. And there i see: brave creatures Shake and Ragface running into a 17 C water which made my poor troll feet cramp. Rumour has it that this weekend all this crowd will be seen near lake Peipsi, taking the last of summers warmth there is left.
  • Ren, accompaning some danish mumers, are planning to make a trip to Tivoli in the last part of august. The dates remain uncertain at this point, but 24th of august was mentioned as a good possibility.
  • I think many of you have wondered what has happened to the player of Pampalini. He seems not to play so often anymore. In truth, he is just spending holidays as good as he can, and seldom visits school. Having no other access to mume, he just wont play; and as he has said himself, he quite enjoys the time apart, and doesnt miss it much ( atleast for the time being). He will be back on mume when his school starts again, and hopes to finish one of his main school projects in time. Apart of this, he is still awed by the bravery of Shake and his trip to Estonia, and wishes to do likewise in some not so distant future.
  • Backfire has found a new sweetheart for him. It is a girl named Vibeke, who is also interested in motorcycles and racing as well as Backfire. They are currently spending their vacations together in a secret spot.
  • Harad is back from a long 4-week vacation. He spent it driving around Marbella, Barcelona, Andorra, Malaga. They drove about 8000 km at that time. And 2 weeks of the vacation he spent in Spain.
  • Incanus (Vm) has been retired again. Maybe there is hope that the addiction for mume ain't forever and that real life will prevail :)
  • One Vale builder has already been promoted to Mw since his zone is ready and approved. This would be Hobbi . All other zones in Vale are in state of muddle and approval.
  • Tomorrow, on 17th august the son of Einalem and Fergus will be 2 years old. Soon a mumer! Happy birthday Matthew!
  • And on 20th of august, yet another little mumer turns a year older. When Vaire started to wait for little Alex, she was sick and couldnt do much around the house. Then Trent showed her this funny game... now, four years later this little belly-creature has grown into a young gentleman. Happy Fourth little Alex!
  • Another Birthday, Treastin , 17th of August.

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