December 20, 2001
  • On 28th of December there will be a small Finnish mume-meeting in Helsinki. The people will gather after 5 p.m. and later off, most of them will go to the cinema together, to see the Lord of the Rings. I myself, and Enforcer will go and join the merry meeting, using also the possibility to see the movie earlier, than it is on show where we live. So far the meeting should include next people: Rashnak (organizer), Burb, Lehto, Humala, Calmacil, Cararion, Pinja, Stadi, Wryak, Talo, Sober, Kerdof, Gauntman and many more...
  • Good news for all the people who have been asking about Toe and his casted hand. The cast should have been taken off by now, since the promised date was 18. Dec.
  • Gothmog has recently successfully completed his exams to medical school, and his studies will start around 18th Jan 2002. Thats also why Petter sits long days at work, often until the late hours of day - to finish his work so he could consentrate on soon starting studies.
  • We have our own official LoveAdvisor on Mume. Rut has changed her title, also with sharing nice love/romance/fun tips in her whois. 
  • Voile has left England behind, and is spending the holidays at home, in Norway. He will return to England around 5th January. He also was visiting his old friend, who played from ntnu, so he got to enjoy that maximum speeded link!
  • As the winter is ever-present already in many countries, lots of flu is around mumers RL. Like Aschit who stayed home to take care of his wife and daughter, and after a few hours felt sicker than his wife. Now, i know that being sick is the BEST excuse ever to play mume but take a hot cup of soup off the monitor, and take care of your health. Who will roam on Arda in New Year when you all are already too sick to rise from bed, right ?
  • There have been tales and gossiping about item named a wolfskin wristband. Some of mume players are sure it is a slightly magical item, and helps you to escape from deathtraps easier. Some say that it keeps you warmer and helps to avoid sicknesses. And others just keep them worn because they look nice. So where is the truth? I may only guess but i advise you to be careful about scouting all those deathtraps on arda.. like one description has said: Is your life really that bad?
  • As when this gossip comes out, the Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring world premier has already started, so all thats left to do, from me, is to wish you exciting and wonderful movie-memories!
  • Birthdays: Humala 18 Dec.,  Aesdana 24 Dec., Valur 28 Dec.

    I would be happy to receive new updates of all the profiles of the MUME-players. Since time has gone by, interests have changed, and people have aged .. please feel free to load me ( ) with your new pics and profile updates!

    Note: I am still waiting for feedback on birthday dates, don't be shy!

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