February 14, 2002
- Welcome all on this nice and friendly Valentine's Day
As I've aready told you a lot about warlords
listing for zaugurz orcs, here is more: Sardaukar has
also entered the list, and Kocano still keeps his 2nd
- Oscarmeyer has been gone from Mume for a while, due
to his loss of internet connection: his wife forgot to pay the bill
(*again*). His daughter Nicole has decided she doesnt want to learn to
crawl yet, so she rolls her body in the direction she wants to go. This
usually means that the cat has to move away, since Nicole is so
fascinated with him. Also she will be 6 mths old on the 15th of
February! Hopefully she will learn to type a bit better on the keyboard,
since for now she only pushes random keys and drools on it. He would
also extend thanks to Kocano for a good deed. He
managed to sneak into mume from work one day, trying to prevent his
lowbie zorc from a delete and eq-loss. Kocano kindly spared enough cash
to get him through the internet-deprived status. He will be back in the
beginning of March, which seems a long time from now. Also, he took his
wife down from managing the financial stuff of their household, so these
bad no-mume periods wouldn't continue.
- On 12th of February me
(Liliah) and my husband Enforcer spent
our 2nd year of marriage anniversary. It was a fine night besides
Estonia winning in one of the Olympic Competitions, otherwise the
babysitter was late, and me and the little baby Liisa came down with a
cold. So we are both trying to keep off the computer for a few days..
which is not possible when the first thing she says 'hello' to in the
morning, is the pc mouse. And as the Olympic Competitions in US are
quite popular even for mume players to watch, i do remind you to rent
before you go afk to watch your favourite athlete's perfomance. Dying
afk is not nice, even if your country won gold :-)
Thats all for this week,
i hope my healed body and mind can offer you more in next! Native Americans used
to have nice names
for their people..
I would be Liliah the Running Nose then!
- Birthdays:
I would be happy to receive new updates of all the profiles of
the MUME-players. Since time has gone by, interests have changed,
and people have aged .. please feel free to load me (liliah@elvenrunes.com ) with
your new pics and profile updates! |
Note: I am still waiting for feedback on
birthday dates, don't be shy!