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The ElvenRunes MUD client FAQ is here to help assist you in understanding of the myriad of features all the different client offer. This is a living, breathing document and will continue to grow over time. We are always looking to increase the knowledge base of our readers, so if you have a question that isn't answered here, find an error or even just want to comment on what we've done, please send an email to feedback@elvenrunes.com. Check back soon and undoubtedly your question will be answered! |
What is a MUD client?
Clients are programs, usually written in C, that connect up to servers. Telnet is one such client program. Many clients written for MUDs have special added bonus features through which they filter the output; most, for instance, separate your input line from the output lines and wraps words after 80 columns. Some also have a macro- writing capability which allows the user to execute several commands with just a few keypresses. Some allow you to highlight output coming from certain players or suppress it altogether. Still other clients make the sometimes tedious task of building new areas a breeze. |
How is the rating system defined?
In MUME, mortals are the elves, orcs, etc. who play the game for adventure, player-killing, and more. Ainur are the players who have sailed west, immorted, and wish to contribute to the building of the game. The client needs between mortal and ainur vary drastically, thus we to rate each application for both player types. A mortal is mostly concerned with aliasing, triggers, tab completion, and application speed. An ainur often uses their client to write board posts, write room descriptions, and edit keywords. As a result, MUME's remote editing protocol is a must for active ainur. |
What is a UI or GUI?
A GUI or UI (Graphical User Interface) is the overall look and feel of an application. In a MUD client setting, the UI often consists of the application layout itself as well as menus that allow users to set screen color and easily configure things like aliases or triggers. On average, the more GUI a MUD client has the slower its performance will be. |
What is cygwin and why does it make a PC client slower?
The cygwin tools are ports of UNIX-based GNU development tools into a Windows 9x/NT/2k environment. As a result, it is possible to easily port many significant UNIX programs without the need for extensive changes to the source code. However, the down side to MUD clients ported from UNIX to Windows is a performance penalty, it will undoubtedly run slower. |
What is an alias?
Aliases are abbreviations for longer, frequently used commands. The assign text or commands to shortcut names to save typing. (e.g. Typing 'cf' translated by the client executes the following command 'cast fireball') |
What is a trigger ( or action)?
Triggers execute commands based upon patterns received from a MUD. (e.g. Everytime you receive the message 'You are hungry.' from the game, your client automatically executes the following command 'eat meat') |
What is speedwalking (or mapping or paths)?
Speedwalking allows users to record directions to MUD locations, and then execute them by typing a single command. (e.g. You walk from the city of Bree to Fornost while recording your moves and save them under the command 'btf'. The next time you are in Bree, you type 'btf' and your clients executes all the moves necessary to put you in Fornost.) |
What is tab completion?
Tab completion allows you to enter long strings of text by typing the first few characters and then pressing the <tab> key to fill in the rest. (e.g. You type the following command 'order followers assist Fallstaff'. When you wish this command to be used again you type 'order f≶tab>' and it executes the same command as before.) |
What are keybindings (or user-defined function keys or macro keys)?
Technically speaking, keybindings are really no different than aliases, however they are often differentiated due to MUD client support. That being said, keybindings are usually associated with assigning text or commands to key combinations on the keyboard which involve the <alt>, <shift>, <ctrl>, and F1-F12 keys. |
What is numeric keypad navigation?
Numeric keypad navigation is the ability for users to maneuver about their MUD using their numeric keypad on the keyboard. Thus, pressing '6' may move you 'east'. This is technically an alias, and any MUD client supporting aliasing can support numeric keypad navigation. However, since many clients advertise this as a feature, we felt compelled to distinguish it here. |
What does it mean when a client supports MUME's remote editing protocol?
This feature allows MUD client users to write and edit everything from mail messages to room descriptions and mudlle using anything from emacs to notepad or even Microsoft Word. MUD client support for MUME's remote editing protocol is a *must have* for any active Ainur (immortal). |
What is logging?
Logging is the ability to save all the activity in your MUD client session to a file for review at a later time. Some more advanced clients support ANSI logging, which not only saves the text from a session but also the c o l o r information. |
What is split level scrollback?
Split level scrollback is the ability of the MUD client to be split in half, one portion to view scrollback and another to view current text at the same time. All this being done without opening multiple windows. |
What is directed output display (or channels)?
Directed output display is directing of MUD client text to multiple windows. Thus a user might direct all 'tells' to one windows, 'narrates' to another, and the main action to a third window. ElvenRunes.com, 2003, View Site Credits. Give us your Feedback. |